Job Archives

Full Time
Posted 8 months ago

  • 根据公司发展战略,组织制定人力资源中长期规划和年度计划,并组织计划的实施;
  • 统筹引进中高层管理人才,优化核心团队管理能力;
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    Full Time
    Posted 8 months ago

  • 参与业务团队战略生成;
  • 根据业务节奏及时匹配和调整人力资源解决方案,保证业务团队的架构设置、决策方式、团队能力、考核晋升方式能匹配业务发展需求,对未来的组织需求有预判的能力;
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    Full Time
    Posted 8 months ago

  • 协助员工职业发展体系的搭建和完善;
  • 推进各岗位职业发展工作,包括任职资格标准和职级评定;
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    Full Time
    Posted 8 months ago

  • 改进现有的培训计划体系,加强基于职位的培训、基于级别的培训,与内部员工和外部供应商合作制定培训和发展计划;
  • 根据培训计划和预算,搜索和评估外部和内部培训计划,将成本控制在预算内,适当使用培训资金;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 8 months ago

  • Handle full spectrum of HR duties including recruitment & selection, payroll, training and other documentations
  • Assist in annual review including manpower planning, budgeting, performance management
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    Full Time
    Posted 8 months ago

  • 建立和维护人才库,以确保人才资源的健康管道;
  • 负责当地招聘,以满足公司的人力需求,并推荐薪酬方案;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 8 months ago

  • Handle the leasing matters of office premises and quarters and analyze market trends and prepare leasing reports
  • Support office supplies, courier services, travel bookings, printing matters and perform other duties as assigned
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 9 months ago

  • Provide a full spectrum of HR functions including recruitment, staff relations, training, and other HR daily operations
  • Maintain HR-related records and HRIS staff records etc.
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    Full Time
    Posted 9 months ago

  • 全面负责公司人力资源工作规划和组织建设,统筹管理各模块事务,并制定相应工作计划和年度工作目标及计划完成;
  • 根据公司业务发展规划与业务目标,合理规划人力资源需求,结合公司实际进行人员配置和人才储备;
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    Full Time
    Posted 9 months ago

  • 负责制定和实施人力资源管理制度与流程并监督执行;
  • 参与公司战略规划的评估和分析工作,为公司决策提供人力支持;
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    Full Time
    Posted 9 months ago

  • 招聘、面试和评估办公室工作的申请人,并将候选人推荐给合适的领导进行就业考虑;
  • 协助招聘工作的发展和持续改进,采用以解决方案为导向的方法,以满足员工需求;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 10 months ago

  • Provide a full spectrum of HR functions including recruitment, staff relations, training, and other HR daily operations
  • Maintain HR-related records and HRIS staff records etc.
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    Full Time
    Posted 10 months ago

  • 根据公司实际情况和发展规划拟定公司人力资源计划,经批准后组织实施;
  • 制订人力资源部年度工作目标和工作计划,按月做出预算及工作计划,经批准后施行;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 10 months ago

  • Provide full spectrum of company secretarial services
  • Prepare minutes, agenda, notes, reports
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    Full Time
    Posted 11 months ago

  • 根据公司发展需要,构建完善的人力资源开发培养、优化机制,制定、组织、实施有效的人才引进及储备策略;
  • 科学建立岗位工作分析及人力配置管理体系,合理有效编制、控制、分析及管控人力成本预算;
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