Job Archives

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Posted 1 year ago

  • 负责对口业务部招聘岗位需求分析,拟定年度或阶段性招聘计划和编制预算;
  • 负责对口业务部培训体系建立、培训计划及人才发展计划的制定,培训项目的实施;
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 根据公司发展战略及经营计划,制定中长期人力资源战略规划及年度人力资源实施计划;
  • 全面主持人力资源各模块工作,直接负责招聘管理、薪酬管理、员工发展等工作;
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 负责公司人力资源工作;
  • 制定公司年度人力资源培训规划和预算,具体实施培训工作;
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 负责公司人力资源全模块顶层战略规划设计;
  • 根据公司战略目标,设计和调整组织架构、部门职责分工、定岗定编等;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 1 year ago

  • Monitor full spectrum of human resources functions including recruitment, compensation & benefits, performance management and employee relations
  • Lead and execute the implementation of annual projects such as annual salary review and bonus exercise, performance appraisal, annual remuneration system review, group insurance plans, etc
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 1 year ago

  • Provide full spectrum of company secretarial services
  • Prepare minutes, agenda, notes, reports
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 了解所支持研发部门的业务状况和团队运作状况,理解业务战略并促进人力资源战略在业务部门的有效实施;
  • 针对业务团队情况,清晰胜任力素质模型,设计人员成长路径及人员培养方案,有效制定和实施人才发展计划并跟进实施;
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 人力预算和规划、招聘和入职培训、绩效考核、薪酬和福利管理、劳工立法、员工关系,咨询和内部沟通;
  • 发展和培训、企业ESG的参与发、员工健康与安全、环境事务管理;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 1 year ago

  • Monitor full spectrum of human resources functions including recruitment, compensation & benefits, performance management and employee relations
  • Lead and execute the implementation of annual projects such as annual salary review and bonus exercise, performance appraisal, annual remuneration system review, group insurance plans, etc
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 1 year ago

  • Provide secretarial support to director, e.g. scheduling, travel arrangement, agenda and take minute, etc.
  • Manage the director's social media platforms.
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 1 year ago

  • Prepare and review minutes, resolutions, statutory forms and return
  • Mainly dealing with private company, trust & foundation
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 负责集团人力资源共享服务团队(HRSSC)的整体发展规划设计、实施和运营管理,搭建服务体系;
  • 负责设计和整合集团海内外SSC的核心业务流程,建立海内外统一的服务流程与操作规范,对流程定期调整优化,执行监管流程正常运行;
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 了解所支持研发部门的业务状况和团队运作状况,理解业务战略并促进人力资源战略在业务部门的有效实施;
  • 针对业务团队情况,清晰胜任力素质模型,设计人员成长路径及人员培养方案,有效制定和实施人才发展计划并跟进实施;
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 了解所支持部门的业务状况和团队运作状况,理解业务战略并促进人力资源战略在业务部门的有效实施;
  • 针对业务团队情况,清晰胜任力素质模型,设计人员成长路径及人员培养方案,有效制定和实施人才发展计划并跟进实施;
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 根据公司发展战略,组织制定短、中、长期人力资源工作规划,制定一整套人力资源管理制度并组织实施;
  • 建立和完善人力资源管理体系,制订并组织实施人力资源管理制度(包含招聘、培训、绩效、薪酬及员工发展等;
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