Job Archives

Full Time, Permanent
Hong Kong
Posted 3 years ago

  • Assist in preparing company secretarial documents for both listed and non-listed companies
  • Handle full set of company statutory records including but not limited to preparing minutes, statutory returns and filings
  • Assist in compliance matter
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  • Higher Diploma / Degree with 1 year working experience in any industry
  • With exp in Human Resources / Customer Services / Sales & Marketing is preferable
  • Can work under pressure
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Posted 3 years ago

  • 按照公司总体发展战略与年度经营计划,制定人力资源及行政阶段性规划、年度计划,确定计划实施方案,并监督执行;
  • 定期向高层决策者提供有关人力资源战略、组织建设、行政管理等方面的专项建议,为公司重大决策提供人力资源信息支持;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Posted 3 years ago

  • 负责招聘运营管理,体系搭建、招聘流程管理、招聘渠道开拓和管理、招聘预算管理;
  • 负责主导公司级招聘项目的实施(社招和校招);
  • 负责公司入职人员质量把控、offer审核;
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    Full Time
    Posted 3 years ago

  • 统筹管理人事、 总务、党务、工会的工作;
  • 负责公司人事各项制度(薪资、绩效、激励、考核、劳动用工等)的修订、实施和过程监控;
  • 贯彻执行安全、消防、环境有关法律法规;
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    Full Time
    Posted 3 years ago

  • 根据董事长要求,协助参与制订集团年度经营目标、经营计划、预算方案和各类会议致辞,掌握公司整体运营、发展状态,在董事长做决策中起参谋作用;
  • 协助董事长管理好各类报批文件的回复,保障与各业务版块总裁与集团各管理中心高效的沟通;
  • 集团各类会议中所有的决议事项及工作和董事长布置工作的落实与传达、跟进,将实际情况及时上报董事长,即时反馈进度及结果;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 3 years ago

  • Assist in preparing company secretarial documents for both listed and non-listed companies
  • Handle full set of company statutory records including but not limited to preparing minutes, statutory returns and filings
  • Assist in compliance matter
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 3 years ago

  • Handle HR generalist role and more focus on recruitment and staff relations
  • Coordinate with other HR teammates in other regions in Asia Pacific and China
  • Handle ad hoc project
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 3 years ago

  • Handle full spectrum of HR generalist functions, including but not limited to talent acquisition, staff grievances, disciplinary cases and retention.
  • Contribute to the development / enhancement of the HRMS.
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    Full Time
    Posted 3 years ago


  • 统筹招聘、考核、培训、薪酬、劳动关系等各项人力资源工作,并建立完善的人力资源规划体系;
  • 组织制定人力资源相关的各项工作流程与制度;
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    Full Time
    Posted 3 years ago

  • 根据公司业务规划,负责协助并实施招聘计划,完成招聘目标;
  • 独立完成人才简历甄别、意向沟通、情况跟踪、面试约见等招聘各环节具体实施工作;
  • 拓展人才渠道,与校园、猎头公司合作、接洽等;
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    Full Time
    Posted 3 years ago

  • 大专或以上学历,具有小家电或个护产品行业从业经历;
  • 十年以上生产运营系统全面管理经验(有生产计划、工艺流程、品质控制、人力精配等全面统筹管控能力)或具有全面公司管理能力。
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Posted 3 years ago

  • 了解客户情况,分析职位需求,为企业推荐优秀的人才;
  • 搜寻、面试、筛选、评估候选人;
  • 与团队合作,成功完成各项工作任务,达成目标;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Posted 3 years ago

  • 直接向高层管理团队汇报;
  • 负责深圳工厂的人力资源管理工作;
  • 具备全方位的实践经验,包括但不限于政策制定和执行、人力规划、员工招聘、外展招聘、薪酬福利、绩效管理和员工关系;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Posted 3 years ago

  • 根据公司发展拟定行政部人力资源规划、实施过程监控;
  • 统筹招聘、考核、培训、薪酬、劳动关系等各项人力资源工作,并建立完善的人力资源规划体系;
  • 组织制定人力资源相关的各项工作流程与制度;
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