Job Archives

Full Time
Posted 2 weeks ago

  • 根据公司定位及发展战略,参与制定公司人力资源战略规划,落实人力资源战略规划的人事管理相关配套政策,定期对相关政策的实施情况进行评估;
  • 负责或参与公司组织架构及岗位的设计、评价及完善工作,组织各岗位工作分析和人员定岗定编;
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 weeks ago

  • 根据公司发展战略,组织制定人力资源中长期规划和年度计划,并组织计划的实施;
  • 统筹引进中高层管理人才,优化核心团队管理能力;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 2 weeks ago

  • Provide administration and facilities management services, including but not limited to monitor office supplies, logistics arrangement, equipment procurement, and maintenance
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 2 weeks ago

  • Assist the director for daily office secretarial support such as replying email, documentation and data entry.
  • Handle travel arrangement, scheduling and meeting client arrangement.
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 2 weeks ago

  • Assist in C&B functions including the calculation of monthly payroll, final payment, MPF, Taxation issues and HRIS inputs in a timely and accurate manner
  • Support in benefits administration including medical, leave and attendance management
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    Full Time
    Posted 4 weeks ago

  • 搭建公司薪酬绩效管理体系,定期进行内部薪酬评估与外部绩效薪酬调研,并根据业务和组织发展针对性地进行迭代、优化和落地;
  • 编制年度薪酬福利规划及人力成本预算,设计人力成本监控模型,输出人工成本及效能分析报告,为公司经营决策提供依据;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 1 month ago

  • To provide administration supports
  • To assist in daily operations for accounting duties
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 month ago

  • 负责人事信息管理、入职、转正、异动、离职、档案、培训、合同等相关工作;
  • 负责员工考勤制作,核算员工绩效、薪资;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 1 month ago

  • Report to a director in Hong Kong.
  • Handle daily office secretarial duties including the scheduling, travel arrangement, agenda and taking minutes, etc.
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 month ago

  • 深入了解业务,为业务板块提供解决方案;
  • 统筹招聘工作,为公司发展做好人才储备;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 1 month ago

  • To provide the full spectrum of company secretarial services within the group
  • To prepare minutes, resolutions, and statutory forms
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 1 month ago

  • Report to an Accounting Manager and provide basic accounting support for Hong Kong office.
  • Handle the daily office administration duties.
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 2 months ago

  • Report to Senior HR Manager.
  • Handle the recruitment coordination and regional HR projects with different stakeholders.
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 months ago

  • 根据公司的人事制度完成员工的入离调转等相关流程;
  • 负责员工人事信息管理与员工档案的维护;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 2 months ago

  • Provide documentation support to the team
  • Handle payroll for the team
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