Job Archives

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Posted 2 years ago

  • 参与制定业务战略规划,设计HR解决方室并推动执行,为适应行业发展趋势以及业务战略调整需要,优化组织结构;
  • 督促招聘、培训、绩效考核,薪酬福利、员工关系等模块工作的开展与推进;
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 years ago

  • 负责胶粘剂分产品开发的立项、研发、评估及测试工作(丙烯酸、环氧等);
  • 根据需求反馈,开展相关技术分析,制定和执行新产品开发计划;
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 years ago

  • 定义/开发热泵、燃气、电、组合式水和空间加热器的先进控制架构和要求;
  • 为电控系统工程师提供技术领导和指导;
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 years ago

  • Conduct research and technology development in the field of servo motion control;
  • Execute research projects with on-time completion and high-quality results;
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 years ago

  • Drive supplier Quality management (SAM/SQM/SPM) ;
  • Early involve in the PMP / PEP project to identify risks and make sure supplier quality stability;
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 years ago

  • 与IT团队一起为工业4.0自动化/智能工厂活动提供领导和支持;
  • 指导和协助运营团队应用工业4.0自动化/智能工程师的方法和原理 领导;
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 years ago

  • 协助总经理制定公司的发展战略规划和实施公司的年度经营目标和计划;
  • 协助总经理制定公司的生产目标和相应的战略与策略;
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 years ago

  • 负责公司各事业部产品在市场营销方案的总体策划、设计和实施。包括产品调研、市场定价、产品优势分析、市场定位、学术推广活动的策划;
  • 负责公司品牌建设和管理,维护公司良好品牌形象,提高公司在业内的影响力。包括各种展会、学术研讨会、培训班、产品推介会、品牌宣传推广活动的策划、组织和实施;
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 years ago

  • 电梯或自动扶梯的 PHM(预后健康管理)的领导模型培训 ;
  • 参与某些软件功能的需求讨论,编写英文开发设计文档,严格执行开发进度 ;
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 years ago

  • 技术交底期间作为售中/售后代表对制氢系统的技术协议进行评审;
  • 售中期间拉动公司内部资源编制制氢装备的产品说明书、交付手册等公司受控文件;
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 years ago

  • 组织建立和完善生产指挥系统,编制生产计划,检查生产工作,确保生产任务的完成;
  • 根据生产运行计划,掌握生产进度,搞好各车间的协调,组织分配劳动力,平衡调度设备材料;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 2 years ago

  •       Responsible for issues regarding quality assurance and EHS.
  •       Ensure the quality of finished goods comply with applied requirements
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 2 years ago

  • Responsible for product development from design to production
  • Make sure projects schedule are on-time
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 2 years ago

  • Responsible for product costing
  • Maintain information on material price trend
  • Prepare quotation to customers
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    Full Time
    Posted 3 years ago

  • 公共设施的基本维修,巡视公共设施的运行情况,统筹安排厂务机修工作,及时响应各部门提出有关厂务方面维修需求,确保厂务设备的正确和安全的使用;
  • 对公司的能源进行集中统筹管理,水电气的能源运行成本管理和分析,提出节能降耗的有效建议;
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