Job Archives

Full Time
Posted 12 months ago

  • 担任塑料成本节约项目的项目负责人;
  • 支持D&I项目定义材料搜索的解决方案,与供应商联系材料,并分析其性能,当材料不起作用时,提出解决方案;
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 负责对生产一部机加工车间、抛光车间、氧化车间、装配车间、喷漆车间、高光喷粉车间的日常管理;
  • 负责跟踪生产计划执行情况和控制生产进度,确保100%交付负责;
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 负责管理监督区域内物业项目的工程前介和工程维修等相关问题的处理;
  • 全面管控及监督区域内项目设备设施经济节能运行,合理控制能源预算,并严格控制工程维修养护费用;
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 负责服装面料的研发工作,通过组织新型面料的供应链体系,完成新型面料的研发,并对设计开发的面料进行风险评估,确保面料变现并应用于公司品牌;
  • 与供应商一起解决现有面料的问题,突破现有面料的限制,为品类导入新型面料拓展品类创新点;
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 负责组建项目部,实施公司承接的国内站台门项目全过程管理,对项目的进度、质量、成本、安全等进行管控;
  • 按合同及工程进度制定合理的项目执行计划,并进行项目风险评估,协调内外部资源,解决项目过程中的问题,达成项目目标;
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 积极响应客户需求,能够独立完成汽车总装与汽车零部件装配整线项目工艺方案评估;
  • 科学评估供应商能力,建立汽车装配领域供应链体系,完善汽车装配领域生态圈;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 1 year ago

  • Report to Managing Director and be the department head of product development team.
  • Manage the product development process, budgeting, compliance and testing.
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 1 year ago

  • Responsible for the Supplier Quality and Green Procurement Assurance activities
  • Manage various type of suppliers including electronic and non-electronic field (garment/bags/accessories)
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 1 year ago

  • To coordinate activities of quality department, and improve the processes
  • Previous lab experience is a plus
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 1 year ago

  • Minimum 3-5 years of relevant working experience, preferably in Electronics industry
  • Creative, responsible, multi-tasking, self-motivated, well organized, efficient and independent
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 year ago

  • 负责光模块开发项目的管理,项目策划及计划拟定;
  • 负责产品方案选型评估,负责光模块硬件设计;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 2 years ago

  • Responsible for the Supplier Quality and Green Procurement Assurance activities.
  • Manage various type of suppliers including electronic and non-electronic field Garment/bags/accessories).
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 2 years ago

  • Collaborate and work closely with global customer in R&D/Quality in order to develop an design new generation of robots
  • Execute all the new products MP on time and within budget every year
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 years ago

  • 制定和组织实施年度新品开发计划,确保研发项目开发的质量跟进度;
  • 为公司研发项目提供有效的技术支持,包括产品技术改良和降本、产品工艺的制定和认证,以及售后相关方面;
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 years ago

  • 根据公司战略发展目标,制定全年质量计划,为重大质量管理决策提供建议和技术信息支持;
  • 负责完善公司质量管理体系的运行、改版以及制定各项质量管理制度;
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