Job Archives

Full Time
Posted 1 month ago

  • 协助客户/潜在客户活动,参与发现会议并记录业务需求;
  • 收集相关信息,利用数据展示产品价值,解答技术问题,说明产品如何集成到客户系统中;
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 months ago

  • 负责设计部门团队建设、人员管理、年度任务目标达成;
  • 协同客户与产品经理,在现有产品的基础上完成演播室项目设计、包装项目定制、项目伴随服务、产品模板设计交付等任务;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 2 months ago

  • Implement ERP for Manufacturing, Materials Procurement, Accounting, Sales and other manufacturing-related functions
  • Collect user requirements, design departmental workflow, perform UAT and other testing
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 months ago

  • 负责根据产品方案和需求规格说明书进行产品设计,并编写产品概要设计说明书;
  • 负责根据概要设计要求,进行产品的详细设计,并编制详细设计说明书;
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    Full Time
    Posted 3 months ago

  • 拓展公司业务,开拓客户群体;
  • 产品说明及推广展示;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 3 months ago

  • Oversee Global company 's IT Operation
  • Revamp & manage the group’s IT department, optimize IT operations with proper cost control to support business strategies and ensure operational efficiency and excellence.
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    Full Time
    Posted 3 months ago


  • 其它IT相关的工作。
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    Full Time
    Posted 3 months ago

  • 参与项目开发,负责产品系统的模块设计、编码、调优、测试;
  • 负责项目的设计、编码、调优、测试及Bug处理;
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    Full Time
    Posted 3 months ago

  • 与组织中的管理层和专业人员共同定义业务系统需求;
  • 与开发人员合作,使用Progress 4GL和其他工具维护QAD ERP定制、报告、界面和集成;
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    Full Time
    Posted 4 months ago

  • 监督IT战略和系统的规划、开发和实施,以支持组织的目标和目的;
  • 管理和领导一个IT专业团队,根据需要提供指导和支持;
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    Full Time
    Posted 5 months ago

  • 负责根据产品方案和需求规格说明书进行产品设计,并编写产品概要设计说明书;
  • 负责根据概要设计要求,进行产品的详细设计,并编制详细设计说明书;
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    Full Time
    Posted 5 months ago

  • 负责根据产品方案和需求规格说明书进行产品设计,并编写产品概要设计说明书;
  • 负责根据概要设计要求,进行产品的详细设计,并编制详细设计说明书;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 5 months ago

  • Collaborate closely with developers / designers / user departments on digital projects.
  • Conduct UAT on websites, mobile applications, and systems to ensure alignment with user requirement.
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 5 months ago

  • Perform front-end and back-end program testing on various systems, including Internal Loan System, Web Applications and Mobile Apps, etc.
  • Design and execute test plan
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    Full Time
    Posted 5 months ago

  • 遵循集团IT战略和架构蓝图,制定和执行属地公司的IT规划,并持续推动集团标准、流程和规范在属地的落地;
  • 负责公司工厂内IT系统的选型、实施、上线及运维,对项目进行全过程跟踪;
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