Job Archives

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Posted 2 weeks ago

  • 依据业务订单、采购周期、生产周期、生产产能有效编制生产主计划;
  • 建立与完善生产计划与物料管控制度流程,跟进实施、检查;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 3 weeks ago

  • Liaise with overseas customers in order confirmation and handle their daily enquiries.
  • Assist in the follow-up of orders from sampling, approval and production.
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 4 weeks ago

  • Manages product development, drive for best cost.
  • Maintains relationships with mills and vendors and drive for strategic conversation with them that able to impact our business
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 month ago

  • 制定及完善公司品类业务流程及采购标准规范,确保各项采购业务按照流程及规范操作,以减少公司的采购风险,降低采购成本;
  • 根据超市事业部年度整体预算,制定品类的年度、月度生意目标和发展思路;
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 month ago

  • 根据项目目标规划进行采购/分包活动的组织、监控和控制工作,采购成本、质量、交付、变更管理;
  • 通过设置采购流程以确保采购系统正常运行;
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    Full Time
    Posted 1 month ago

  • 负责油气公司的电仪设备采购;
  • 负责供应商的开发,评估和选择;
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    Full Time
    Posted 2 months ago

  • 懂成本策略,会比价议价;
  • 跟进生产进度,按时按量交货;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 3 months ago

  • Handle major customers
  • Follow up orders, quotation, enquiries
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    Full Time
    Posted 3 months ago

  • 保证采购需求正确地转成采购订单并且发送到供应商处,订单收货监控以及根据客户订单情况对采购订单交期调整或者取消;
  • 对潜在或已经影响生产的缺料与跨部门协作提供解决方案,保证物料连续供应以及客户订单准时交付;
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    Full Time
    Posted 4 months ago

  • 负责采购中心所有业务活动的管理;
  • 建立政策和程序,以确保顺利运行,以满足并超越公司标准,法规要求,客户期望和其他利益相关者的要求,并不断提高服务水平;
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    Full Time
    Posted 4 months ago

  • 负责供应商的选择,价格、合同、条款的谈判,供应商资质和零件的评估认证;
  • 实施国产化,MRO和CAPEX采购活动。
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 5 months ago

  • Report to a Sourcing Supervisor.
  • Handle product development, procurement, and cost control duties.
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    Posted 5 months ago

  • Undertake key duties across strategic planning and operational management of the category
  • Ensure high performance of the category and achievement of business targets and objectives
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    Full Time
    Posted 7 months ago

  • 根据公司及采购中心的发展战略,规范工作流程和制度;
  • 监督指导下属员工工作,对部门人员进行业绩管理和指导,保证员工能够提高效率、节约时间成本,保证制度规范并控制成本;
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    Full Time
    Posted 8 months ago

  • 对线上及线下业务数据进行系统性的分析,生成顾客洞察及品类趋势研判;
  • 制定及执行品类在线上及线下不同渠道的采销策略;
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