Full Time
1月 之前发布

  • 负责公司独立站点的整体视觉设计,包括首页、产品页面、活动页面等;
  • 制定网页视觉设计规范(首页和详情页风格、色彩、布局设计),建立和积累素材库和页面应用方案库;
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    Full Time
    1月 之前发布

  • 负责应收账款处理,与客户销售代表协调,及时组织客户对账向应收帐款主管/财务经理汇报任何异常交易和收款问题;
  • 支持解决公司间应收账款差异,在出现查询时及时提供正确的解决方案;
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    Full Time
    1月 之前发布

  • 负责对工程实施项目进行技术支撑,包括工程项目实施及售后过程中重大技术问题的信息统计、分析及处理并反馈研发中心促进解决,负责研发产品在工程上的技术转换;
  • 负责工程项目实施的技术标准编制和完善,确保技术工作的规范性和一致性;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    1月 之前发布

  • Report to a director in Hong Kong.
  • Handle daily office secretarial duties including the scheduling, travel arrangement, agenda and taking minutes, etc.
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    1月 之前发布

  • Report to a Sourcing Supervisor.
  • Handle product development, procurement, and cost control duties.
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    1月 之前发布

  • Degree in Manufacturing / Engineering / Management study
  • At least 8-10 year experience in managerial position
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    Full Time
    1月 之前发布

  • 负责DPC/AHU/机房空调产品整机结构设计及技术支持;
  • 执行机组合同的设计、校对,确保产品合同的设计质量及设计时间受控;
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    Full Time
    1月 之前发布

  • 负责统筹DPC/AHU/机房空调产品整体方案设计、制冷系统物料与原理图、流程图设计、BOM下发,项目投标报价流程系统工作处理;
  • 负责带领项目组、协调公司相关部门按时按质完成产品研发;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    1月 之前发布

  • Carry out projects and tenders with existing customers.
  • Technical support to customers.
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    1月 之前发布

  • Responsibilities:Perform requirement analysis, process and system design, development, implementation, testing, launch and post-launch IT operations of clearing and settlement and respective back office solution
  • Liaise with relevant parties on user requirements, UAT testing, implementation and deployment
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    Full Time
    1月 之前发布

  • 负责公司工厂内IT系统的选型、实施、上线及运维、对项目进行全过程跟踪;
  • 负责工厂内现有系统及流程的持续优化更新,推进项目落地,确保项目工作按照既定计划顺利实施;
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    Full Time
    1月 之前发布

  • 通过提供及时的技术支持来解决质量、工艺和夹具问题,保持生产顺利进行;
  • 重新设计和改进新产品或现有产品的制造方法;
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    1月 之前发布

  • Report to Customer Service Manager.
  • Answer corporate customers' inquiries and solve their problems by phone call and email.
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    Full Time, Permanent
    Hong Kong
    1月 之前发布

  • Report to the board of directors directly
  • Develop strategies and positions by analyzing new technology, industry trend and competitors’ move to drive revenue and profit to achieve the company’s growth
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    Full Time
    1月 之前发布

  • 负责非标设备的模型设计,图纸输出,设计文件的编写;
  • 负责安装支架、重要零部件的强度、疲劳仿真分析,输出报告;
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